Monday 12 October 2015

Pros and Cons of Traditional Surrogacy

The decision to start a family is always a big one. Using a surrogate mother comes with its own unique challenges and benefits. Below you’ll find listed some of the pros and cons of traditional surrogacy.
  • The primary benefit of surrogacy is that allows a couple to be parents when they might not have otherwise been able to have that experience.
  • Since the male partner is allowed to donate his sperm, he retains a biological connection to the child.
  • Surrogacy can provide a viable alternative to adoption, which can be a difficult process that takes years to complete.
  • Many couples choose to form a lifelong bond with their surrogate mother. These bonds can provide rich and lasting relationships for the whole family.
  • A couple that chooses a surrogate must generally bear a heavy financial burden. Since most health insurance plans don’t cover surrogacy, couples can pay anywhere from $30,000 to $50,000 out of pocket.
  • Even though a surrogate mother may understand all the details of the arrangement beforehand, she may still find it difficult to actually relinquish the child. These emotional details should not be underestimated, and should be discussed between all parties from the start.
  • Surrogate mothers must endure numerous invasive medical procedures.

Visit this website to learn more about traditional surrogacy and family building in El Cajon.

It Takes a Village

According to the old saying, it takes a village to raise a child. Surrogacy works in the same way a village does: a community of loving adults joins hands to raise a child together.

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